brkfst time
22 - 24 February

Breakfast Time

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Breakfast Time

Brick Haus Productions

Define family for me. Seriously. Because, I’m struggling to sum it up.

Family is... a weird word. Especially when you say it five times. Family family family family family. You can forget what it even means.

Flour and water makes dough, hot water and a tea bag makes tea, cheese and crackers makes - cheese, and crackers.

But one family mixing with another - look, some ingredients just don’t go well together. Breakfast Time is a project using multiple media, where you are invited to watch a short film depicting a newly blended family, as two step siblings cook breakfast the morning after a hasty wedding.

Immediately following the film, you are swept into a highly abstract and analytical deconstruction of the world and characters you just saw, as breakfast is cooked once again.

Exploring themes of family, food, class, and the human thought process, while employing post-dramatic techniques alongside poetic monologue, duologue, and commentary - Breakfast Time is food for thought.

Creators, Writers, Performers and Co-Directors - Bon Buchanan & Bella Petrie
Co-Director - Genoveva Reverte
DOP - Aiden Fernando