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11 - 14 March

Guy Gunn: Beast Basher


Date and time icon Date and Time

11 Mar 7 PM
12 Mar 7 PM
13 Mar 7 PM
14 Mar 7 PM

Ticket icon Prices

Extra Aroha Ticket

Event duration icon Duration

60 mins

Venue icon Stage / venue

Accessibility icon Accessibility

Guy Gunn: Beast Basher

Written and Directed by Mitchell Botting
Dimly Wit Productions

Guy Gunn is the host of a low-budget, online series called BEAST BASHER; a conspiracy-based hunting show where hunts and kills monsters.

Having caught wind of a cryptid sit down, Guy sneaks into the conference armed with a big foot skin suit, a heart burning with revenge, and a briefcase full of dynamite.

However, once inside he discovers the monsters fear a boogeyman of their own: Guy Gunn.

Guy Gunn: Beast Basher is an over-the-top, manic show that is densely packed with jokes and will grab hold of you and not let go!
Theatreview's Sam Lewis

Image credit
Mitchell Botting

Content Warning

Violence, swearing, and fake blood. Discussions of suicide, sexualisation, and death. Not for the consumption of anti-union scabs.