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19 - 23 March

It Came From Beyond The Script


Event duration icon Duration

60 mins

It Came From Beyond the Script

Directed by Malcolm Morrison

Experience the allure of mid-century horror films brought to life on stage in our cinematic, improvised horror-comedy. Join a charming cast as they navigate the suspense of a small town gone awry. A must-see, accessible improv show for film and theatre enthusiasts alike—prepare for thrills, laughs, and a unique theatrical journey!

ICFBTS is directed by Malcolm Morrison, a pioneer in improv show creation, as an exploration in how to effectively portray horror in minimalist theatre. Powered by cutting-edge open-source software, specially developed to elevate the art of improv, It Came From Beyond the Script promises an unforgettable journey.

Note: The show on Thursday the 21st will be filmed by Bucket Hutt for online distribution. While this may slightly alter the traditional theatre experience, the magic on stage will be immortalised for a wider audience to enjoy.

When innovation presents itself like this, you cannot turn away… It Came From Beyond the Script is a glorious love letter to horror.
Content Warning

As this show is improvised, we cannot guarantee the presence or absence of content or themes. This show may contain mature themes and language, as well as some mild implied gore and violence. This show will not contain any involuntary audience participation. Please note, this show may contain flashing lights.

Creative Team

Director/Producer - Malcolm Morrison

Lighting Director - Darryn "D'" Woods

Music Director - Lia Kelly