14 - 15 February

Running Wet Through A Tunnel


Event duration icon Duration

60 mins

Running Wet Through A Tunnel

Presented by Izzie Newton-Cross

Cumming soon to a theatre near you, the big opening of Running Wet Through A Tunnel will make you wet with laughter, wet with tears, and wet again with... more laughter. Everything about the sperm's journey to the egg that’ll keep you on the edge. Two nights only so you better get in quick because my parents are home soon! You won't regret it, I put a lot of thought into this and I think you’re the one that I want to show it to... :)

A musical comedy about the sperm's journey to the egg. It's filled with songs, drama, action, and education. Follow our team of misfit sperms as they travel through the treacherous depths of the vagina and discover their personal identity along the way. What does it take to be the lone survivor?

Content warning

Adult themes, PGR, Depictions of Violence